Friday, May 31, 2013

Phresh New Talent

Fizzo on the rise!

Farai "Fizzo" Walter Dutuma is a 17 year old Hip Hop musician born on the 23rd of August in Zambia. He moved to South Africa in 2001 and currently lives In the Central Business District side of Pretoria and is inspired by the love of music. The long nights of nothing but improving his lyrical content, the hard work and experience of entertaining has paid off.

He is a solo artist managed by a movement called "Capcity's Finest Entertainment".It's an independent group that promotes entertainment as a whole.

 He's currently working on building his image with the help of his fan-base and the movement he is currently working with. He's aim is to make music not to impress, show off or buy fame. But to entertain people and earn respect by producing the kind of music they want to hear." Fizzo" is blessed with a gift to make people laugh ,encourage people and motivate them in what they wish to pursue. So people find it easy to always relate. He is able to make music that can fit all kinds of life situations and to top it all off,  he is currently working on a mixtape titled "Heard About Me" in aims to prove that music is more than just words to a beat but something more meaningful every time its played on repeat.

Fizzo's dedication to making music is like a wake up pill that forces him to stay awake until he has accomplished he's daily goals. He spends his weekends traveling around Pretoria in search of local events where he can be given the opportunity to perform. He Dreams Big every time he goes to sleep, then wakes up to go achieve his dreams. He has performed at a couple of events around Pretoria and feels he should exceed to other territories in search of competition and other musicians he may find interest in working with. He's determination in succeeding managed to get him featured in a music video by TeeTy, an artist working under the international clothing brand "BambataSA" and aims to go even "further than a full stop at the end of a book",he quotes.

"Success is like a drug my hard work really needs"
-Tag "Fizzo" Raggazo

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