Thursday, May 30, 2013

Nerd Republic

Making nerds more fashionable!

Nerd republic was created for styling nerds, restoring their place in the “fore­­­front” of society. The delusional perception is that nerds care less about fashion and NR was made to change exactly that and re­introduce nerds as rather more “cooler”, merging brains with a fashion sense.

Nerds exist in different realities environmentally and circumstantially yet nerds maintain their nerdy personality, nerds always are notable by their obscure fascination of what’s often viewed as “weird” or unusual. We don’t nationalize who we are but we exist on common grounds with society, within society.


The aim is for nerds to keep identity and not “fit in” while they exploit and innovate their existence by setting trends.

This is a different (but similar) approach taken other than any other previous brand, On a broader scale, rather than nationalizing the nerds, they present a platform for people to inquire the nerdy­ness within themselves. That way, they’re playing around with the masses tendencies of trying to “fit in” rather than the nerds adapting a “fitting in” tendency. This is a revolution rather than an attempt of recognition.

The original Logotype of the republic was created by Cordel Ringani.

The nerds movement into self expression without perception boundaries, in a fashion sense is bigger than a cult or fellowship.

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